Weekly COVID-19 Update, Dec 8
December 3rd, 2020 by Kyle von BosePlease join us on Tuesday December 8th at 1200 till 1300. TOPIC: Drs. Joe McLaughlin, Ellen Hodges, Anne Musser and the DHSS COVID-19 Response team will be discussing the CDC’s new Coronavirus Quarantine Guidelines, the BINAX Now Cards, and influenza immunization. Please bring your questions or if you prefer you can send them beforehand to: clgolnick@anthc.org. Christine Golnick is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/93830305350?pwd=bWwvQ3lldUdCRC82SDRhcGQyRmxWdz09 Meeting ID: 938 3030 5350Password: CHAP2020 Dial by your location 877 …