Weekly COVID-19 Update, Dec 8

December 3rd, 2020 by Kyle von Bose

Please join us on Tuesday December 8th at 1200 till 1300. TOPIC: Drs. Joe McLaughlin, Ellen Hodges, Anne Musser and the DHSS COVID-19 Response team will be discussing the CDC’s new Coronavirus Quarantine Guidelines, the BINAX Now Cards, and influenza immunization. Please bring your questions or if you prefer you can send them beforehand to: clgolnick@anthc.org. Christine Golnick is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/93830305350?pwd=bWwvQ3lldUdCRC82SDRhcGQyRmxWdz09 Meeting ID: 938 3030 5350Password: CHAP2020 Dial by your location        877 …

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Health Aide Continuing Ed Series

September 12th, 2020 by sdpatraw

This series of online trainings was developed specifically for Alaska’s Health Aides – Behavioral Health, Dental Health, and Community Health. Each session is aimed to build on current knowledge and skills, while providing information and skills necessary to be a member of an interprofessional team of healthcare workers. Each webinar will be 90-120 minutes in length, with the full series taking place over the course of eight weeks via the Zoom online meeting platform. Fee: $20 per session, all sessions …

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New Process for ECHAM Comments and Suggestions

August 14th, 2020 by Kyle von Bose

ANTHC CHAP is pleased to announce a new formal process for addressing end user comments and suggestions in a timely fashion and completing CHAM content revision.  Please see the flowsheet below that outlines the entire process.  Please send all communications about CHAM concerns/suggestions/changes through the Contact Us system by highlighting within the eCHAM or by emailing us at echam@anthc.org by using the “Contact” at the upper right corner of the eCHAM screen.  Please do not send additional emails or messages …

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Integrated Webinar Continuing Education Series

May 18th, 2020 by Kyle von Bose

ANTHC will be sponsoring a weekly Web based series starting in October and running through November. It will be held every Friday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM weekly and is intended to increase the level of service that Behavioral Health Aides, Dental Health Aides and Community Health Aides provide to their rural communities. Registration opportunities coming soon.

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May 8th, 2020 by Kyle von Bose

As you likely know by now the pandemic has reached the corners of the globe. Do you feel like you are ill-prepared? We here at ANTHC CHAP are here to help. We are hosting a weekly COVID-19 presentation on Wednesdays from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM with varying topics related to COVID-19. Interested? For more info or topic suggestions email :CHAPCOVID-19weeklyupdates@anthc.org Helpful Links for COVID-19 information: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services COVID site Center For Disease Control (CDC) …

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Morbi varius arcu vitae ipsum molestie ultrices. Ut ac cursus augue, placerat egestas nunc. Morbi tincidunt aliquet sem ut aliquet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam arcu magna, dignissim a arcu eu, tempus scelerisque orci. Maecenas at tempus turpis. Sed leo velit, varius commodo sapien nec, efficitur fringilla ante.

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