COVID-19 Vaccine CE

December 21st, 2020 by Kyle von Bose

A new CE lesson has been created on COVID-19 Vaccines! This includes a general overview of vaccines, steps in the development and approval of vaccines.  You will learn specifically about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that are starting to become (or soon to be!) available in Alaska! This CE will provide up-to-date information and useful resources specifically for CHA/Ps as well as preparing you with information to answer the questions you are likely to hear from your patients and in your communities

This will be updated weekly, as new and exciting information is rolling out daily about COVID-19 vaccine.

To access this C.E. through Distance Learning Network Click Here

To get to the training you must log in or create an account. Then go to Available courses, from there go to Community Health Aide Program, then go to CHAP continuing education, then CoVID-19 related CE courses.