Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
The Community Health Aide Program is a network of about 550 Community Health Aides/Practitioners (CHA/Ps) in more than 170 rural Alaska villages. CHA/Ps are part of an established referral relationship that includes mid-level providers, physicians, regional hospitals, and the Alaska Native Medical Center. In addition, providers such as public health nurses, physicians, and dentists visit villages to see clients in collaboration with the CHA/Ps. ANTHC is pleased to support the Community Health Aide Training Program and prepare CHA/Ps for their vital role in the Tribal health system. Training centers are located in Anchorage, Bethel, Nome, and Fairbanks. CHAs take part in four sessions of training-each last three to four weeks. CHA/Ps at any level of training may obtain certification from the Community Health Aide Program Certification Board.