Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I (Prophylaxis)

Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I (Prophylaxis)

Education and Develoment Center 4115 Ambassador Dr, Anchorage, AK, United States

The Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I (Prophylaxis) course is open to dental assistants who work at an Alaska Tribal Health Organization. During the course dental assistants will be taught to provide a dental prophylaxis according to the requirements outlined in the CHAP Certification Board Standards and Procedures.

Clinical Orientation for the Alaska Dental Provider

Education and Develoment Center 4115 Ambassador Dr, Anchorage, AK, United States

The Clinical Orientation for the Alaska Dental Providers is three days of continuing education course that helps orient new providers to providing evidence-based, public health focused oral health care at Alaska Tribal Health Organizations.  The course is taught by various specialist and is open to dentist and dental health aide therapists.

DHAT Supervisor Training

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium 4115 Ambassador Drive, Anchorage, AK, United States

A training for dentists to be orientated on what supervision of a DHAT entails, what type of support they may need from their supervising dentist and an overview of how they are trained. Please reach out to Erin Giauque (esgiauque@anthc.org) for more details or to register.

DHAT Student Application Open

Applications can be submitted online November-March, through the ANTHC Job Openings website, position is listed as DHAT Student. Interviews will be scheduled April 5th, 2024.

Alaska Area Dental Meeting

This annual meeting is for all members of the dental team. It is an opportunity to network, learn about evidence-based approaches to improving oral health outcomes and gain continuing education.

Integrated Health Aide Forum

Egan Center 555 W 5th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, United States

2023 CHAP Forum Agenda Monday – Thursday beginning at 8:00 am daily The annual CHAP Forum offers sessions that are interactive, creative, dynamic, present topics often encountered by multiple disciplines, feature best practices in integrated healthcare, and yield an increase in skills and resources relevant to CHA/P's scope of practice. Each session will be 60-90 minutes in length, and participants may earn up to 24 continuing education credits. There will be daily coffee and tea service and a buffet lunch ...


The CHAM update will occur on 5/6. There will be extensive changes to: